Today is Sunday September 9th, which means that Nuit Blanche Ottawa is less than two weeks away. Really? Can that be true? TWO WEEKS?!!?!?!?!!!?

Ahem, yes, it’s less than two weeks until the debut of LIGHTSOUNDPLAY! and despite our apparent inability to read the calendar, things are moving along according to plan, we’ve been able to apply our newly-discovered knowledge of fabrics and pvc tubing, we’re on target with workplans, and we’re generally feeling pretty good about how everything is falling into place. So really, we’re not sweating or anything.
Well, maybe a little…
Anyway, in the time between other things we’ve started a SubZeroArts Tumblr account as we thought it would be a nice way to share all of the great art we’ve discovered looking through the Nuit Blanche Ottawa site with you, as well as posting other things of interest that we find as we poke around the internet. It seems like a really interesting community, and we encourage you to follow us there if you’re into the whole Tumblr scene. And if you can tell us what we’re doing wrong when we post music links we’d be most grateful…
We’d also like to take a minute to say thank you to everybody who’s acted on our “What Can I Do to Help?” post from last week, we really appreciate all of your support! If you haven’t had the chance to check out the post, it basically outlines how you can help us make LIGHTSOUNDPLAY! the best possible presentation that it can be, so, y’know, give it a look and let us know if there’s anything you can do to help.
Okay, gotta run, we still have 54,343,231 things left to do in the next two weeks, but we hope that you’ll keep in touch with us as we always enjoy hearing from you. Talk soon!
Rik and Deane/SubZeroArts
PS Like SubZeroArts on Facebook, add us on Twitter @subzeroarts, or follow us on Tumblr to keep in touch with us!