Archive for September, 2012

As stated in an earlier post, every idea begins with a doodle on a napkin. And after that, there are many, Many, MANY trips to the hardware store. Without spoiling the magic, we can assure you that the universe really is put together with duct tape, electric tape, glue guns, and PVC tubing…

Evidently there is more PVC tubing than we had imagined, and we are beginning to believe that a thorough understanding of PVC tubing will unlock a greater understanding of the mysteries of space, time, and beyond…

Twenty days from tonight, SubZeroArts presents LIGHTSOUNDPLAY!  at the SAW Gallery as part of Nuit Blanche Ottawa 2012.  We hope you’ll be able to join us and we look forward to seeing you there!

Rik and Deane/SubZeroArts

PS  Like SubZeroArts on Facebook, or add us on Twitter @subzeroarts to keep in touch with us!






Three weeks and counting…

Three weeks from tonight SubZeroArts will debut their latest installation LIGHTSOUNDPLAY! as part of Nuit Blanche Ottawa 2012! To say that we’re excited is quite an understatement, and we can hardly wait for you to see it!

In the meantime we have approximately 512,632 things to do to get it all ready for you, and the weeks to come promise to be a whirlwind of busy-ness and activity for us. Our heads are already filled to the brim with programming, logistics, workplans, and more details about PVC pipe and opaque fabric than we ever expected to know.

It’ll all come together on Saturday September 22nd at the Saw Gallery, and we hope you’ll be there to see it

Rik and Deane/SubZeroArts

PS  Like SubZeroArts on Facebook, or add us on Twitter @subzeroarts to keep in touch with us!


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